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Role of Hashtag in Changing Our Lives

You might have heard about hashtags(#). They can be found in most of the social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Google+. It all began in 2007 when its designer Chris Messina started using the pound sign to group conversations on a blogging platform. Since then hashtags has been everywhere and is now an important part of modern marketing strategy. Twitter is the one that made Hashtags popular and after that, it was adopted by most of the digital platforms. Today hashtags(#) has completed it 10 years of success on Twitter and will continue to go on.  The use of hashtags on Twitter continues to grow in a similar way as it began. Users try to explore the different applications of hashtags in their own ways and presently 125 million hashtags are used in a day, on Twitter.

Chris Messina, a social technology expert, He first posted the hashtag #barcamp in August 2007 on twitter.We can find that in a span of just 10 years hashtag #tag has completely altered the way we use the internet. Use hashtags have changed the lives of many and have given communities a voice. People have different opinions about of role of the hashtag in uniting the world for real-life activism and live events. Now people follow live events more or less in real time via social media. These days live-tweeting reactions to various live events have become a huge part of the TV-watching experience. The hashtag has made it possible to follow and enjoy a particular event through social media.  There are many who love to watch the reaction to a television event via hashtag.

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Location:India India


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